Rethinking Security in the Era of Cloud Computing Global Environment for Network Innovations

Research Interests
Airborne Networking (cyber-physical systems and communication), experimental methods in networking research and education; measurement and modeling of Internet traffic; Internet traffic generation; cloud security; cloud computing; wireless networks; congestion control; active queue management.
CONFERENCE / WORKSHOP (papers / posters)
( *supervised/co-supervised student)
- B Newton*, K. Jeffay, and J. Aikat, Geographic Routing in Extreme-Scale Highly-Dynamic Mobile Ad hoc Networks, IEEE MASCOTS (Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems), London, UK, September 2016.
- Sanders*, G. Sanka*, J. Aikat, J. Kaur, The Influence of Client Platform on Web Page Content: Measurements, Analysis, and Implications, in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), pp. 1-16, Miami, FL, Oct 2015.
- Newton*, J. Aikat and K. Jeffay, Simulating Large-Scale Airborne Networks with ns-3, in Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on NS-3 (WNS3 ’15), pp. 32-39, May 2015.
- B Newton*, J. Aikat, and K. Jeffay, Analysis of Topology Algorithms for Commercial Airborne Networks, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Raleigh, NC, October 2014.
- B. Newton*, K. Jeffay, J. Aikat, Efficient Management of a High-Capacity Airborne Network of Commercial Aircraft, NSF Cyber-physical Systems Young Professional Workshop, Washington, DC, March 2014. [poster]
- A. Reed*, J. Aikat, Modeling, Identifying, and Simulating Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), (best poster award), IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Göttingen, Germany, October 2013. [poster]
- B Newton*, K. Jeffay, and J. Aikat, The Continued Evolution of Web Traffic, IEEE MASCOTS (Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems), San Francisco, CA, August 2013.
- D. O’Neill*, J. Aikat, and K. Jeffay, Experiment Replication using ProtoGENI nodes, GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop 2013 (GREE13), Salt Lake City, Utah, March 2013.
- W. Yau*, J. Aikat, and K. Jeffay, Variability of TCP Round-trip Times (RTTs) Over the Years, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC), Baltimore, Maryland, October 2012. [poster]
- S. Zolayvar*, J. Aikat, and K. Jeffay, Characterizing Modern Web Traffic using TCP Headers, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC), Baltimore, Maryland, October 2012. [poster]
- J. Aikat and K. Jeffay, Evolution of Networking Research into a Science, COMBINE: the US Department of Energy (DoE) exploratory Workshop on Computational Modeling of Big Networks, Washington DC, September 11-12, 2012. [abstract]
- J. Aikat, S. Hasan, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, Towards Traffic Benchmarks for Empirical Networking Research: The Role of Connection Structure in Traffic Workload Modeling, IEEE MASCOTS (Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems), Washington DC, August 2012.
- J. Aikat, S. Hasan, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, Discrete-Approximation of Measured Round Trip Time Distributions: A Model for Network Emulation, GENI Research and Education Experiment Workshop 2012 (GREE12), Los Angeles, CA, March 2012.
- J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, Experimental Methods for Networking Research and Practice, SIGCOMM 2011 Education Workshop, Toronto, Canada, August 2011.
- J. Aikat, S. Hasan, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, Critical Choices in Measurement-Driven Traffic Generation for Empirical Networking Research, UNC-CH University Research Day (7th Annual Research Symposium), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, March 31, 2011. [poster]
- J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, Modeling Internet Traffic for Empirical Networking Research, 1st Annual Oliver Smithies Nobel Lecture and Postdoctoral Research Poster Forum, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, March 8, 2011. [poster]
- J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, Generating Realistic Synthetic TCP Application Workloads, GENI Experimenters Workshop, Princeton, New Jersey, June 2010.
- L. Le, J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, Differential Congestion Notification: Taming the Elephants, 12th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Berlin, Germany, October 2004, pp. 118-128.
- S. Rewaskar, J. Aikat, J. Kaur, F. D. Smith, D. Pozefsky, K. Jeffay, Variability in TCP Roundtrip Times, IBM University Day, IBM, RTP, North Carolina, March 2004. [poster]
- S. Rewaskar, J. Aikat, J. Kaur, F. D. Smith, D. Pozefsky, K. Jeffay, Variability in TCP Roundtrip Times, SAMSI Workshop on Congestion Control and Heavy Traffic Modeling, November 2003. [poster]
- J. Aikat, J. Kaur, F. D. Smith, and K. Jeffay. Variability in TCP Roundtrip Times, in ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2003, Miami, Florida, October 2003, pp. 279-284.
- L. Le, J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith. The Effects of Active Queue Management on Web Performance, (best paper award) in ACM SIGCOMM 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2003, pp. 265-276.
- D. Aikat, and J. Aikat, India’s Software Brainpower: High-Tech Growth in Communication Technology, Communication and Technology Division of the 45th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Albuquerque, NM, May 1995.
- D. Aikat, and J. Aikat, Ethnic Identity: Exploring the Popularity of the Newsmagazine, India Today, Mid-year Magazine Division Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Hofstra University, NY, Nov 1994.
- J. Aikat, All about bits and bytes – exploring the content of computer magazines, Mid-year Magazine Division Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, Nov. 1993.
- Aikat, Jay, Akella, Aditya, Chase, Jeffrey S., Juels, Ari, Reiter, Michael, Ristenpart, Thomas, Sekar, Vyas, Swift, Michael, Rethinking Security in the Era of Cloud Computing, IEEE Security and Privacy, vol. x, no. y, 2016, pp. u-w [In revision]
- L. Le, J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, The Effects of Active Queue Management and Explicit Notification on Web Performance, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 15, No. 6, December 2007, pp. 1217-1230.
- J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, and F. D. Smith, The Effects of Traffic Structure on Application and Network Performance, Springer Publishing, New York, NY, December 2012.
- Stan Ahalt, Jay Aikat, Dan Bedard, Margaret Burchinal, Thomas Carsey, Thu-Mai Christian, Jonathan Crabtree, Nancy Dole, Howard Lander, Latanya Sweeney, and Mary Whitton, Creating a Secure System, IMPLEMENTATION: VISR: The Virtual Institute for Social Research, Building Trustworthy Digital Repositories: Theory and Implementation, pp. 292-306, editor Philip C. Bantin, Rowman and Littlefied, 2016.
- J. Aikat, K. Jeffay, M. Reiter, Education Modules for Networking, Cloud Computing and Security in Systems Courses, Demo session at the ACM SIGCSE, Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education, Memphis, TN, March 2016.
- S. Ahalt, K. Jeffay, T. Carsey, J. Aikat, Data@Carolina Workshop, RENCI, Chapel Hill, NC, September 2015.
- J. Aikat, M. Reiter, Cloud Security Curriculum Development Workshop (two and half day), conducted entirely as part of the NSF Frontier project on Cloud Security, Chapel Hill, NC, July 2015.
- J. Aikat, Ben Newton, and K. Jeffay, Calibrating Experiments on GENI using Tmix (two hours tutorial), GENI Engineering Conference (GEC20), UC-Davis, Davis, CA, June 2014.
- NSF Workshop on GENI in Education (with Jeannie Albrecht (PI), and Kevin Jeffay), New York University – Polytechnic, NY, October 26, 2013.
- Exploring the Internet’s Future with GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovations), West Virginia Higher Education Technology Conference 2013, Morgantown, WV, Oct. 2013.
- Your first experiment on GENI: a Hands-on Tutorial, West Virginia Higher Education Technology Conference 2013, Morgantown, WV, Oct 2013.
- J. Aikat and K. Jeffay, Advanced Network Experiments (two hours tutorial), GENI Engineering Conference (GEC16), Salt Lake City, Utah, March 20, 2013.
- J. Aikat and K. Jeffay, Using the GENI Networking Testbed (Three hours Tutorial), Proc. of the ACM SIGCSE, Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education, Denver, Colorado, March 2013.
- Run your Systems / Networking Experiments using (free) GENI Resources, Lunchtime Table Topics, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2012.
- NSF Workshop on Designing Tools and Curricula for Undergraduate Courses in Distributed Systems (with Jeannie Albrecht (Chair) and Mark Berman), Boston, MA, July 8, 2012
- J. Aikat and K. Jeffay, Introduction to Network Experiments using the GENI CyberInfrastructure (90 minutes Tutorial), Proc. of the ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, London, UK, June 2012.
- J. Beyers, J. Mogul, F. Adib, J. Aikat, et al., Report on the SIGCOMM 2011 Conference, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 42, Issue 1, January 2012.
- J. Aikat, An Investigation of the Effects of Application Workload Modeling and Path Characteristics on Network Performance, PhD. Dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 315 pages, December 2010.
- D. Aikat, B. Stepno, T. Hughes, J. Aikat, M. Manning, and E. Chernoff, An Internet Glossary, Technology Tools for Today’s Campuses, eds. James L. Morrison, Microsoft Corporation, 1997, 22 pages. Publication format: CD-ROM and website.
- D. Aikat, B. Stepno, T. Hughes, J. Aikat, M. Manning, and E. Chernoff, NetSpeak: The Lingo of the Internet, Technology Tools for Today’s Campuses, eds. James L. Morrison, Microsoft Corporation, 1997, 12 pages. Publication format: CD-ROM and website.
Jay Aikat’s Google Scholar Profile