Technical Communication in Computer Science

COMP 915 is a seminar on teaching, short oral presentations, and writing in computer science.


See –> COMP 915 Syllabus for Spring 2019 <– for the class syllabus


Speaker Schedule

The schedule for COMP 915 students’ teaching sessions can be found –>COMP 915 Student Speakers and Courses<–


Powerpoint Slides and Handouts

The power point slides and handouts can be found –> here <–



Assignments can be found –> here <–



Svinicki & McKeachie, McKeachie’s Teaching Tips, 14th Edition, 2011, Wadsworth.  It’s expensive. Useful if you plan a teaching career. Otherwise, read in the Reading Room.


Sakai will be used for submitting assignments and posting grades.

This web page is the primary resource for this course.